Quest Creator Updates – Exciting new features

1 min read Last updated: 13th July 2023

Vivus updates


Providing a central location where people invested in events get the best experience and their money’s worth means catering to everybody involved. This includes the event organisers, brands and event goers. We’ve worked hard to introduce some new features on Vivus create while maintaining what you frequently use. Hope you like it!


Fancy instant access to your money? Well, now you have it! We’ve fully integrated with Stripe to provide you instant access to your money with every single payment. You also get access to their snazzy interface and insight into your income.


More insight into your event and sponsorship. We’ve integrated more ways to monitor your sales, where your audience is coming from and who is interested. The analytics update comes in two waves, the organiser and the brand.

Organisers now get the same advanced tools used by brands plus more. The update features monthly sales volumes and tracks each sale to give you an idea of where your audience is coming from. Is it Facebook? Twitter? or maybe your website, find out on Vivus create.

Brands can also monitor monthly views, campaigns stats and the snazzy little tracking we do to check if users are checking your website from an event. This would come in handy if event sponsored utilises flyers or posters to spread your message.


Features such as creating multiple tickets mean changes to our API’s as well. The new SDK gives you access to your varied tickets, it also allows you to create multiple tickets.

One more change to the API is how requests are processed, previously we made use of a standard request method with no flexibility e.g to send information such as the event name and username you had to use the format “/username/key/requestType/”. The new API changes this, it gives you more flexibility by allowing you to send and request information via the get method e.g “username=demo&key=YourKey”.

Although you can still make requests via the old method it is advised you change to the new request method as the previous one would no longer be supported by Checkmate Vivus. Do check our Github docs for more information.

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